New research published: Proteogenomics survey of Synechocystis
Our deep proteogenomics survey of Synechocystis just got published in the Journal of Proteome Research. Based on the genomics and proteomics data from the SCycode consortium, we could identify previously undetected (novel) proteins and further connected these insights to a deep (phospho)proteome chatacterization at different growth conditions, giving important information on the proteome landscape of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.
Publikation: Deep Proteogenomics of a Photosynthetic Cyanobacterium
Philipp Spät, Vanessa Krauspe, Wolfgang R. Hess, Boris Maček, and Nicolas Nalpas
Journal of Proteome Research Article ASAP
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.3c00065